• You said...
    "I'm sorry I'm just not ready for a relationship"

    If I had a nickel for every time I heard that line.

    You know that I know that your lying.

    I saw that look in your eye,
    That look on your face when you look at her...
    That tramp that sells herself to 'hip music, and clothes'

    You told me you were in love with her...
    I told you I was in love with you...
    You told me you weren't ready for relationship...
    You also said that you wanted to marry her...
    Last time I checked marriage was technically counted as relationship...

    But that's just me...

    And that's just the truth...

    But all this truth can't stop the racing of my heart....

    It wont stop the red that stains my cheeks when you put your arm around me. Even if you do it out of friendship.... I can only wish that it meant more...

    But it doesn't.....

    And you tell me your sorry...

    But I know you...

    Your to busy thinking of her to even think about what your saying to me...

    You obviously don't know that every single one of your words breaks my heart...

    With every single word another piece of my heart falls and shatters into tiny pieces.

    The only good thing is.....

    You stayed back to help glue those pieces back together.