• What's the word I hear
    Oh yes,

    It's hard to learn
    What it means
    But after all
    It sews no seams

    It breaks your heart
    And tears the dream
    And sweeps your memory
    Sweeps them clean

    It tells you to leave
    And forget it all
    It tells to you go
    And tells you to fall

    You listen to it
    And forget those sweet smiles
    And they travel far
    They travel for miles

    To sleep you cry
    And to cry you'll sleep
    And from you we'll never
    Hear a peep

    If you just forget
    And have no heart
    Then those pieces falling
    Will fall apart

    They fall and they break
    And lay their alone
    And your dreams will never
    Make it home

    Clustered up
    And left behind
    Now you are quiet
    Once you were kind

    You speak not at all
    And barley ever smile
    You sit in your room
    And think for a while

    If you want to smile
    You have to force it
    And if you want to talk
    You have to start it

    If you never talk
    No friends you will make
    If you never smile
    No tears you can fake

    If you never open
    You'll never shut
    If you never listen
    You'll never stop

    But if you start out slow
    And pick up from their
    You're life will take off
    And swim on fresh air