• Bullets that are flying left and right, dying for our countries bright light.
    Some say war may be sunder, but for others it will be their blunder.
    Living behind barbed wire fences, knowing our soldiers may lye in trenches.
    Being put in internment camps, a.k.a. relocation camps.
    Hating the “japs” for no reason, treating them with hate for there treason.
    Seeing the colors of red and white, their fighters using Kamikaze flight.
    The color of bloodshed on their cockpit door, knowing if you crash you’ll tumble to the floor.
    Many bodies lying here, while wounded soldiers lie in enemy territory there.
    Over air and on the Sea, who will come to victory?
    Trying to keep out of sight, while egg bombers are taking flight.
    M-15’s and M-16s, while we use tanks or larger ranks.
    Hiding in a small foxhole, never leaving ever for a patrol.
    Some say that the war may be for nothing, but to others it’s just plain hunting.
    Fighting through a bloody battle, hearing their brains as it begins to rattle.
    All the husbands and the wives, wanting to save their children’s lives.
    Always wanting to be in the mood, for SOS (s**t on a Shingle) type food.
    Throwing grenades over our shoulders, hoping they’ll dislocate shoulders and boulders.
    Hearing bands and hearing booms, knowing we may end in doom.
    I wonder who will survive with me, so that we can live and be free.
    Who had started this stupid mess, maybe it was the President on PMS.