• ~Whispering Heartache~
    The look in your eye says many things.
    It tells me about the upcoming conversation.
    But quietly it is whispering heartache.
    I try not to listen as you yell. As you scream.
    I hope you dont see me cry. See me break.
    Your words cut numb wounds, it doesnt hurt anymore.
    I want you to finish, I cant take the whispers.
    The ones that are whispering heartache.
    I cant take the hints. The secrets. My heart runs livid to prepare.
    Though it knows it cant. Staring ahead, I drown out your words. It makes them louder. Clearer,
    as they whisper heartache.
    Finally they ring true. The words that come from you. They tell me what the whispers say. You tell me lies. You mean the truth. As I weep, I wish you didnt create..
    the words that whisper heartache