• Who am I to want these things?
    A car that runs, a bird that sings,
    a silver key to lock the door,
    the wings to let me spin and soar…

    A life ruled by needs and desires?
    …the fuel to feed creative fires,
    the love of one returned tenfold,
    a book to read, my dog to hold…

    What’s most important in this world?
    …a mystic beast with wings unfurled,
    a quilt well-worn, lovingly mended,
    a story that’s been happily ended…

    Who is the judge of right and wrong?
    …my own true voice, raised up in song,
    the nature of power we all realize,
    the truth to unseal everyone’s eyes…

    Is love blind and is hope dead?
    …a time for words that must be said,
    a place to dwell and watch the storm,
    to touch a lover’s tight, lithe form…

    Can I trust myself, my choice?
    …a steady light, my mother’s voice,
    the chance to go beyond my best,
    a life of laughs, some time to rest…

    Is who I am because of these?
    …a nap beneath some shady trees,
    a child watching cage-less birds,
    a host of minds to hear my words.