• My heart is broken...
    I was troubled with life,
    'till I met you.
    You made it all go away.
    My worries,
    My problems,
    My insecurities.
    You made me feel like i belonged;
    Like I could be loved for who I was,
    Rather than be an outcast,
    As I had up until that point.

    But then you left me for a while,
    And never said a word to me about why.
    I was devestated.
    I waited as long as I could,
    And had you told me to wait for you as long as it took,
    That you'd come back for me,
    I would have waited longer.
    But you didn't.
    I was in such pain I took it out on those around me,
    Even those who were closest to me.

    When you finally did come back,
    I already had a new girlfriend.
    And though I didn't love her as much as I loved you,
    You didn't even give me a chance to explain myself.
    You just told me,
    "Save it. I'm through."
    And you left my world forever.

    Now I search the world for you.
    I still keep you in my heart;
    In my dreams;
    In my soul.
    And I will never stop this search,
    Not until I find you again.