• A little boy walks out of his house
    Ready to start a new day
    Reaches inside and pulls out what makes everyone happy
    A care-free boy with no worries
    So he plasters on a smile, covering the guilt
    Leaving no trace behind of sadness or worry
    Walks into the world, shoulders high
    Being what everyone else wants him to be
    Now stop, and picture life just like that
    Everyone being part of the perfect picture
    Portrayed by a gleeful soul
    I, myself,have a mind of my own
    Not riddled by the perfect world
    Not scrambled by others thoughts
    I am an individual
    I make the picture a mural
    Don't you wish you had guts to be free?
    Well here's a pointer, don't be like me
    Just be how you feel, and feel how you be
    So we can paint glorious colors all over the Earth
    Maybe the world will become a roaring ocean of color
    Just maybe