• Love is like a game in which everyone plays,
    Some admit to it,
    Some deny it,
    And some don’t even know how to play.

    Now I’m rolling the dice again,
    I’m taking another turn,
    Hoping that my turn lasts forever,
    And I’ll win the game.

    But there shall always be liars and cheaters out there,
    Forever despised as heartbreakers,
    They mess with the game to try to make you lose,
    They want you to feel pain in your heart,
    To see you cry.

    Even though there are evil ones out there,
    There will always be those that will make you feel as if you are in heaven,
    They care about you and want to see you happy,
    And you help each other become winners.

    Love can make people do amazing things,
    They might overcome goals they thought out o f reach,
    Or it can tear them down,
    And destroy their lives,
    It can make them the happiest person in the world,
    And it can also make them cry in pain.