• "You're going to hell." That is a statement told to the LGBT community. We are taught to believe we are made in God's image. If we are all made in God's image does that mean that God made a mistake. God is the highest power how can any human pass judgment on another. How can we say someone is going to hell for something they have no control over when there is so much worse things to say that about. We don't say that about the girl who gets pregnant before shes married. Not to the one who steals from stores or who kills someone for no reason. We should not pass judgement on others without reason or knowing the person.

    "You choose to be gay." another statement told to the LGBT community. They really choose to be bullied until they kill themselves. Why would anyone choose that if it was a choice there would be no gays in the world. They suffer not only from people they don't know but for some they also suffer from their family. They are told they choose this because they can't get a boyfriend/girlfriend when they tried to be with the opposite gender and it didn't feel right. They are judged without people trying to see through their point of view. Its time we try to see from their eyes and understand what they go through. Its hard to truely understand until you really walk in their shoes.

    Let's stop the bulling and hate on the gays they deserve the same treatments as straight people. Just because someone is gay does not make them less of a human. The double standered need to stop. Straight peole can walk around with their partners and no one says a thing the same should be true for gays. Gay children should be able to come out with out double standards from their family or the fear of them being disowned. When a gay person hides the fact that they are gay it causes depression and can cause them to try and kill themselves. We are starting to accept gays more but with double standereds you are just saying "We accept you but you can't do this." We are all created equal its time to start acting that way.