• Every single person in the world has that one person.

    The one person who truly understands them.

    Who knows when you reach your limits.

    Who has gone through the same pains you have.

    As my life passed by, I saw everyone, my friends... family... find that one person.

    Until there was only me. And her.

    Every single person in the world has that one person.

    But I do not.

    I search.

    But come back fruitless.

    She stays by my side.

    Though I know in my heart, she has already found that one person.

    She looks at me with what looks like pity.

    I hated her for that.

    Every single person in the world has that one person.

    I died without finding mine.

    Every single person in the world has that one person.

    As I looked in to her eyes,

    And took my last breath,

    I knew,

    That she was the one person all along.

    The eyes that looked at me,

    That I thought was full of pity,

    Were filled with love.

    Every single person in the world has that one person.

    I failed to acknowledge mine.