• Looking back,
    Remebering all of the times we had together.
    Our happy and sad moments,
    When i cried you told me not to worry,

    Hugging me until i never wanted to let go.
    Softly kissing me until i wanted more,
    But then,
    Leaving me behind with-out a word.

    Having me cry and not comforting me with your voice,
    Letting me fall into despair until i could barely speak.
    Drowning in my own weakness,
    Won't you resuce me?

    Saving me wasn't on your schedule though?
    You let me get hurt
    Then i ended up hurting you,
    I let you go and now i want you back.

    Won't you come back?
    And take me in your arms again?
    Holding me tightly.
    But my wish will never come true, right?