• Backstage, black heavy velvet curtains. Making sure that I have everything together. The cue sounds and I brush walk onto stage. The little dolls twirl, swords clash, and soldiers march. With my heart pounding I get ready to loose my battle with the mouse in front of me. I make my way offstage. Backstage again, I change out my gun and scamper onto the stage. We go through our routine to the sound of cannons, swords, and running. The mouse takes my gun. I turn, salute, turn, and die onstage. I try not to flinch as the Mouse King, and The Nutcracker engage in a sword fight above my head. As the prince, Danny, grows weaker, Clara rushes to save the day. She pounds on The Mouse Kings back, runs away, and brings a mousetrap onto the stage. He chases her for a moment before running back to the prince. Danny thrusts is sword into the rats heart, resulting in the Mouse Kings death. The curtains close and I run offstage. This is my last performance in the Nutcracker Ballet.