• I woke up and started my day like any other.When i got to my spot at the breakfast table my sister ran down the stairs and knocked over the grape juice on my new Hollister shirt and Aeropostale shorts I got for my birthday.I went up stairs to get changed but when i looked in my drawers there was only a Hello Kitty shirt and sweat pants. I was late for school because my mom stole my lunch and didn't give me any money so I had to make a new one. When I got there it I was 2 hours late. I got detentions from each class I missed and when I got to math my homework wasn't there. After lunch I went outside and my crush walked by.He started to make a grossed out face at me.Then I realized I steped in a bunch of dog poo. Later on when I was waiting for the bus I realized that I left my work in the home room.I ran to get it but when I got back at the bus stop the bus was just driving away.I started to walk home then a car raced by and covered me with mud. I decided to take a short cut through the trees but I got stung by a bee. By the time I got homeit was already 7:30.I had missed dinner and my parents and sister were at the mall.I was suposed to be there too but since I was late they left without me.I was saving up for Hollester jeans but now I have to wait for another month because me and my sister save up and every month we go bye some stuff we like. When my parents got home I got grounded for being late.
    That was the worst day of my life