• right when i woke up I knew it was *that* kinda day. xp

    i was woken up by THE most annoying thing. my brother. on an electric guitar. ya it was that bad cause i had to wake up 3 HOURS earlier than usual.
    so i got up and started to get ready for school rolleyes and u know wat else my bro got the bathroom, all my clothes were wet for some....unknown.... reason AND so was my make up. i went down to eat some breakfast but NOOO my own mother made me run around the track and do exercises for 2 hours before I could have ANY breakfast.

    when i finally got to school, I didn't have my homework, i fell asleep in three of my classes, and last of all it was a pop quiz day. xp on my way home it was also nightmarish cause i got covered in mud, pooped on by a stupid bird, and some old woman thought I was her daughter. when i got home i took a bath (at least the water worked and was warm) went to my room and checked my texts.

    OHHHH, wow, THAT'S why i've had a bad day!!!! I for-got to forward that stupid save the seakitten (fish) text! mad STUPID TEXT