• I stand before you today with a proposition, an idea, and a light of hope. I stand as a peer, a friend and a person with an ideal. I stand here with the hope that when I am done my words will have left some imprint on your mind that cannot be idly brushed away. I stand here today to show my support for a group of people that need our support in this day and age. And I am here to ask for that support.
    Imagine that you are a young teenager just beginning high school; everything is new, different, and confusing. You don’t know many people and are desperately trying to find friends. But one thing keeps everyone back; they shy away from you and whisper behind your back. You cannot change what makes them fear you, so you stay as you are; friendless in a place you cannot stand. No one deserves to be treated this way, and I stand here to tell you that the homosexuals of our world need our help.
    Ernest Gaines once asked, “Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?” Are we really such a close-minded society that we cannot see past a person’s sexual preference? Are we so cruel that we no longer look at someone’s personality or choices to tell us if they are worth speaking to? Are we so inhumane as to think we can now tell someone who they can and cannot love? I hope that we have not become so blind.
    So here I stand, asking each and every one of you sitting before me today; will you stand up for the rights of someone who is persecuted in our free land? Or will you hide in the shadows and never voice a word of protest? I know my choice, but where do you stand?