• What I believe to be the curse of all humanity would be the over all emotions that everyone suffers.

    Nothing and nobody can be complete without something fulfilling their emptiness... Our true colors shine through our words, actions and occasionally, appearance (which is a cruel way of judgment, but it happens).

    Typical emotions are love, hatred, anger, desolation, depression, sadness, enjoyment, happiness, and infatuation (These are the most common in my eyes).

    Adolescence seems to be the main trigger of emotions due to our superb hormonal changes. Adolescence can last until your twenties, I estimated approximately, because there is a fair bit of immature twenty-year-old's out in the world.

    As you may see, the feeling that you are feeling like you are missing out on something, you want to be fulfilled with your happiness.... Happiness that you feel like you may never be able to achieve. People might pity you, people might try to comfort you, but independence is the only route you should take.

    I mean, if you feel secluded from the world and see it as a terrible thing, then you aren't trying as hard as you can, though you feel like you worked your a** off, I find that you haven't reached out to the public eye. Don't be alone in this world, but if you don't try to put yourself out there and you feel alone, then you know you are always going to be stuck in seclusion.

    I believe that the curse of humanity is truly just a curse that we created ourselves, and if we continue to view life as extreme difficulty, then where shall we prevail if we do not try to do something to make it seem workable?

    I believe that we are hormonal people in a brilliant quest of happiness, am I wrong? Though, I do find that many people who follow others are considered "sheep" they need not worry, they are just living the way the people of the norm are living by. One by one they all follow each other.

    Well, whatever seems to brew the blood in our veins, it sure is our own contemplation of our lives placement... placement of feeling, love, loneliness, happiness.... whatever it might be, we are thinking about our next step into our own path that we create by ourselves...

    Anyone whom believes me out there, hold on tight to your heart, don't let anyone try and divide it, your heart and mind are your most important parts of you at the time, and if you are controlled by an outside force, good luck living.