• The Big Bang Theory.
    This alone as been one of the most heatedly debated and discussed theories bar none. Is the Big Bang real? Is it just blasphemy? While I don't necessarily rewrite a whole new theory, I do think I can somewhat explain it.

    I, personally believe that the universe is ever expanding. That every day, possibly, the universe "grows". Now I'm not talking about leaps like 100 feet a day; I say that its barely noticeable. Take for example, the universe would grow say 1 millimeter per year. That seems like nothing, but over a period of Millions of years, Billions even, the universe would keep expanding and expanding.

    But, If it expands, that means at some point in time the universe was small. This could possibly be where the Big Bang comes from.

    Imagine, Millions - even Billions of years ago - our universe was extremely small. All that exists in this small universe would just be atoms. Protons, Electrons, Neutrons, all these minute particles just aimlessly in this tiny universe. What if our universe was like an unopened soda can? My explanation of the Big Bang comes from something so simple - the aforementioned soda can.

    Think about it - the can that holds everything inside the universe can be the "wall". Everything inside are our atoms and particles. Now, how they got there will always be a mystery. I cannot explain it, as probably nobody ever will. But inside the soda can, the atoms and particles are just sitting there aimlessly moving around. But, what happens if you shake the can?

    Call it God shaking the can if you want, but nevertheless, some divine element "shook" the universe, which caused the particles and atoms to take action. In a regular soda can, when you shake it, pressure undoubtedly rises inside as the Carbon Dioxide mixes with the water molecules - hence creating "foam". In the tiny universe, atoms are joining together, creating elements. Millions and Billions of elements are brewed, causing extreme pressure on the "walls" of the universe.

    As the soda can is being shaken, pressure keeps rising. You can't make a soda can explode by shaking it for a couple minutes, hours or days even. But what if you were to shake the soda can for Millions or Billions of years? The Big Bang didn't happen overnight, it was an event that was continually aroused for millions of years until it finally reached a breaking point. Eventually, the soda can would give in, causing the soda to explode out - Hence in my opinion, the Big Bang.
    That however, is as far as I can understand. Beyond that is anybodies guess as how the rest of the universe unravels.

    That's about it in my theory, albeit a little incomplete sweatdrop , But hopefully this wall of text gave you a new insight about the mysteries of the universe wink