• I open the door without even realising it. I'm still deep in my thoughts, watching the film of my life. A period where everything went upside down. Maybe the sun was too hard for me, maybe i'm just in one of those phases. Emotive turnaround or something...

    Your empty smile. As empty as a smile can be. Wasn't forcefull, but it had lost all its meaning. At first, i thought it was my imagination. But as the months passed, you started to change. Something in you... no, your whole self changed from that moment on. It's like you stopped living, stopped existing. Your presence was thinner by the second. I remember walking to you in the street. I asked you where you were going but you didnt answer. Were you only lost in your thoughts i couldn't say. I decided to follow you, to tag along. Not that i had anything else to do anyway. You didnt say a word at all. Slowly, i noticed the road wasn't leading to our usual spot. I remember you telling me something about this place, the place you're going now. A lone house with a creepy terrain. Where trees would die and grass wouldn't grow at all. I've always thought it'd be a movie-like scene you invented. But the truth was far beyond real. What's with those broken window, what's with the unstable balcony. Is someone really living in here? You looked at me right before knocking at the door. I saw it, your smile. It's no use you can't hide it anymore. Your smile is nothing but a grin.
    Some lady open the door and let us in. She ask me if i'm a friend of yours and since you don't answer, i present myself as the life you saved. As proud and happy as i can sound. But this woman didnt seem to understand the meaning. Her smile looks just like yours. What's happenning? Have i changed realms? Did i wake up in the wrong side of the dream? Something is wrong, so wrong. I just don't get it, i'm so confused.
    You go further in, it's like you're leading me somewhere out of this space. As soon as you entered what was left of the chamber, you stopped. You looked at me once again but this time you didn't try to hide your pain behind a fake smile. I opene dmy mouth, only to ask why. But without any answer, you sidestepped to let me see something. Your voice, as low as it could be i could still hear it. I perfectly remember the words you spoke.
    "Here Kee, This is my father's old friend. He's deaf, blind and his right side is paralysed. I'd like you to hear a bit of his story."

    But when i saw the man, my mind went blank. It's like time had stopped but in the worst moment. That day, everything i heard, everything i saw was a shock. How could this man still be alive in this world. How could his wife still be sane. Truly a scene impossible to describe with words. I kept wondering why, i kept asking myself why i didnt run away from there. A living nightmare this man has endured. For some reason, i felt like i was pulled to him. Like his voice was reaching my very soul. I was scared, i got scarred. This man shouldn't be alive, he should be allowed to rest, to sleep peacefully. How could life mistreat him that badly? I can't even trust half of his story, not even a tenth would be fine. It was like listening to the oldest man in history, a century-old man which lived through all the wars and fought them by himself. that,s the image i had of him back then. I couldn't understand. I felt like the worst kind of human because i thought i had a difficult youth.

    Slowly, the storm passed away. But it wasn't a clear sky that was waiting for me. When i thought you'd be back to your old self, you proved me wrong for the third time. You showed me how crimsom the sky could be, how it had the same color as blood. My tears of blood.