• Two am, Chloe gets up from the hospital bed. James

    asleep in his newly chair for now. James and Chloe only married, thanks to the

    baby on board. She yells " James get the nurse!!"

    James takes a minute to get to his feet. He slowly gets up and walks to the

    door yelling without a care, " Hey ! You nurse. Come here."

    Chloe snaps " All you had to do was pash a botton to get a nurse!"

    "Oh well." said James going back to his so-called chair.

    Shortly after the baby girl was born into a world that one day come to wish

    this day was not real. "Oh Iknow lets call her Ann!" James said as he took the baby

    in his arms. Chole was already giving him the death look for saying that name.

    "ANN!" Chloe said as she started in a roar.

    " Whats wrong with that name?" James asked acting clueless to. He knew what

    he had done and did it to make her mad as always. "Thats your ex-girlfriends name!

    No way my baby named after her!" Chloe yells making the five pounds eleven ounces

    the length of eighteen and half inches Crying baby girl.

    Her name will be Heather!" Chloe said still giving James the death look.

    Heather Danille Lynn was a flower child of May 1992.

    One of the first big things in little Heather's life was James and Chloe were no

    longer married. It took only three years after Heather was born. The other two years

    of Heather's life was a like a fast day dream. Heather lived with her mother Chloe

    in an old modile home.

    There was a tree in front of the house. So big that little Heather would say

    " One day when I'm big I will be able to hug that tree."

    Heather was soon five starting school in Camden. One of her friends was Heather H .

    She stayed there till Chloe fell in love again. She ended the first year of not recalling

    much of those short years there. Chloe got married to a man name Troy Stout.

    He was kind hearted man, he had a girl Heather'sage and a boy two years

    younger than her. Heather was the oldest of the three. Soon, she was six and

    a half years old, Troy got a game called Metal Gear Solid.

    Heather watched Troy play the gane on the ps1.Soon she learn how to play.

    Her eyes glued to the tv. "Ha haha ha! You think you can beat the game before me!"

    Troy said smiling ear to ear. Heather looked at him with a bigger smile than his

    and turned her head to the sideand said " I have beat this game three times.

    This is a really fun game!"

    Troy with his jaw droppedand said " Then show me how to beat this game."

    Next thing there was a new baby boy in the house. His name was Jordan.

    Heather was about seven or eight when this went down. The next few years

    of Heather's short, but the time when went outside to play .

    When Heather was a Freashman in Dresden High school. Her friend thta was there

    for her was Brenna Roark. They had some classes together. Heather only got to see

    her father every other weekend. She so dearly wished to live with him.

    Thanks to her mother going crazy with lies,by cheating on Troy .

    Heather wished more than anything yo move in with her father.

    In the middle of that same school year, she finally goy what she wished do hard for

    But only one year ago she losted her grandpa on hers fathers side.

    She had leared what death really looked like and wish not to see it happen again.

    Now, back to Heather moving with her father. So happy to move but sad at the same time.

    Her mother shorty stopped wanting to see her.

    Just one day Heather was talking to Casey . He was like her best guy friend .

    When she started class with him in Alg.one . He called her the "forever guest."

    because she told him she planned on staying here in camden. Then on April 11

    she would have never guessed it to happen . " Hey! Heather! Wait up!" Casey

    yells trying to keep up with her fast walk.

    "yea?" she said truning to face him" Are you ever gouing to tell me that story?"

    "YES! Iam annnnnnnnnnd it starts now! There once was people all their skin

    colors were green.." Casey starts off with this story that was keeping Heather thinking.

    He starts back up again "but one girl was purple. And this one green guy liked the

    purple girl but didn't know how to tell her. so one day they had a job to do.It was to

    paint the lockers yellow. After this one locker was painted. He asked her out .

    So what do you say? Will you go out with me?!" Casey asked with a smile on this face.

    Heather was puzzled at first but did not really say anything to him till after the

    5th class of the day. She said" I know now what to say and that is ................

    ...... yes..." blaugh as her face turning bright red. Heather now is still in Camden High

    School and now waiting for the school to end. She only can wish Casey can

    ask her to the next step in their life together.But here is one thing Heather will

    always try to have a smile at the worst of her day.
