• On my first day of high school in grade 9, I knew no one at all. I got lost trying to find my first class, fifteen minutes later I find it and I'm so late. I sit down in an empty seat as the teacher was explaining the rules of the school, so I pull out a pen and paper to doodle because I could care less about the school rules. The first rule I hear is, "You always have to be in full uniform, no personalizing, no long necklaces, no hoodies, etc." As she's saying that she is slowly walking up to my desk, I look up and she's staring at me with eyes of an insane masochistic killer, I look down at my uniform and I'm wearing a really nice, long necklace, wearing a new sweater with a hoodie and folded my pants up to my knees so they looked like capris (which apparently was personalization) because it was like 29 degrees outside. So I'm sent to the office to explain why I broke the rules of the how to wear the uniform.