• I'm a senior and I am what you might call a goody two shoes. I don't party or drink and I have never failed a class. Last month, there was a mandatory assembly to watch the top 5 placers in our school's talent show. The assembly is awesome and 2nd place performed "Don't Stop Believin'" which my best friend and I belted at the top of our lungs. So, the assembly finally ends and one of the teachers announces that we still have 30 minutes of our first class left, which is completely ridiculous and we don't want to go back. So, my best friend and I wait outside in the senior locker bay and our friends Micole, Jordan and Ashley join us. They don't want to go back to class either. So we stand there with a big group of other guys to our left who obviously don't want to go either. We have this notorious guard guy named Johnny who nobody skipping wants to be caught by. So we're all standing there hiding by the lockers, Ashley, Micole, my best friend and myself talking about bras and strip clubs while our friend Jordan is there and the big group of guys. Then Johnny appears out of nowhere and we run up the stairs. We pretend we're going back to class, so Jordan and I go one way and my best friend and Ashley go another. Jordan and I stand outside the classroom with all the other skippers talking about basically nothing and playing air guitar. Then my best friend and Ashley show up, apparently doing the same thing we were. We get to stand there and play air guitar together, and then Johnny shows up again! So we actually run to class this time. When Jordan and I get back in, our friend Neisha is braiding and clipping our Econ teacher's hair and everyone else is watching SNL videos on the internet. Jordan and I laugh and sit down even though there is only two minutes left. Our teacher just waves and smiles and doesn't even care we were gone for 20 minutes and some people still aren't back. It isn't a huge day, but it was the first time I ever skipped a class and it was pretty funny. Senior skip day is coming up soon...