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  • Artist Info: I'm Diana/bobo/D-chan/Sano/heyyou!/Di and I happen to be a rainbow. I enjoy walks through the park on a full moon and RAVING TILL I DIE OF EXAUGHSTION!!!!!! I play bass(guitar)/trombone/baritone(looks like a tuba sounds like a trombone)/alto saxiphone/cornett(an almost trumpet)/violin/piano and read fluent TAB/Treble clef/bass clef and you know what I'm probably more knowledgable in music theory than you will ever be. I'm in a band called Makeshift Anarchy and we are amazing!!!!! I tend to switch between three emmotions- Extremely happy/Angry as fuck/tired and depressed and you know what? If you don't like it you can suck my penis. xP I'm fourteen, a girl, and I'm amazing. I swing both ways. ;D I tend to get dis- SNOW IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!! .....O_o I bake I draw I write music and I write(literately) I don't know if there's much else to say. The only music genres I don't like are country and rap....yup. I like anime but I'm not a yaoi fangirl....nevermind, I am most definately a yaoi fangirl. And you know what? I'm proud!!!!! I don't really have anything else to say.... message me, I roleplay!
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