• Aru Shinichi's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: <br />
    Name: Withheld (unless you know me from Facebook)<br />
    Age: 21<br />
    <br />
    Likes:<br />
    Video games<br />
    Anime and Manga<br />
    Kids (as long as they behave and listen to their elders)<br />
    Zombie flicks<br />
    Honest people (good honest, not creepy)<br />
    Politeness<br />
    Leveling my level 50k pirate stat (?)<br />
    <br />
    Hates:<br />
    Ignorant/condescending/douchy people (i.e. The cast of Jersey Shore) razz <br />
    Loud, bass-heavy music of any kind (unless it's a Vinyl Scratch track)<br />
    Dishonest people (relationship-wise)<br />
    Months with an odd number of letters (lol, I kid)<br />
    Heavy alcohol, tobacco, and any other drug<br />
    <br />
    First of all, I'd like to give visitors to my profile a piece of advice. Don't piss me off, or any of my friends for that matter. I used to be a patient man, but any shred of that patience has been wasted on trying to fix past relationships and mistakes. You only get this one warning. If you decided to piss me off regardless, prepare to have a fury thousands of years in the making tear into your soul like a wolf tears his prey apart.<br />
    <br />
    If you're still reading this, then I have to commend you. Not everyone takes me seriously. So your reward: getting to know me a bit.<br />
    <br />
    I'm currently studying Network Administrations at DeVry. Single man, no kids, but I consider them a gift regardless. I'm a brony, in case the name Vinyl Scratch didn't ring any bells. I do drink, but not enough to get drunk (you can't remember the taste of good alcohol if you're piss drunk). That being said, don't hand me a six pack and expect me to keep my docile attitude. Alcoholism runs in the family, you know. Overweight, but I blame my love of sweets and nothing more. And in case you're wondering, my friends are always spared my wrath, so if I start joking more and more around you, the safer you are. With formalities out of the way, I really do hope you're a good person. And if any stalkers out there have something to say, stop snooping around my profile. The "Recent Visitors" window is there for my review.<br />
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