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  • Artist Info: About me:<br />
    User Image<br />
    Real Name: Heather C<br />
    Age: 21<br />
    Gender: Female<br />
    Eye Color: Blue?<br />
    Status: Taken<br />
    General attitude:<br />
    Still pretty quiet around people I don't know.<br />
    <br />
    I've been through a lot, here and elsewhere. My life has lead me to be wary of people, but I am still quick to trust. I suppose I am a bit two sided. On one side, I believe almost everyone has goodness in them and the potential to do good. On the other, I just think people are assholes. <br />
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    I believe in magic. The real kind, not stage magic. I'm going to train to become a holistic healer as a career. I hope to be able to help many people that are unable to find peace via traditional methods and medicines. I am also studying spirit work and eventually I may study mediumship. Spiritual debate is something I tend to dislike, I have a very open opinion on the matter, and it can be summed up simply: <br />
    <br />
    That which you believe is right, which you feel is right, is right for you. <br />
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    As long as nobody is harming others with their beliefs, nobody has the right to call one religion right or wrong. We are only human. Can any of us claim to have the power to deny the existence of a god, of spirits, of demons, of other worlds? Even if such a claim was made, that person is still only human. Such judgments, of right or wrong, are not for humans to make upon one another, except in one case. <br />
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    Harm. Irrational harm is always wrong. Sometimes, harm for protection of oneself and their loved ones is necessary. But irrational harm, harm fueled by greed or revenge, this is almost always wrong. <br />
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    I am a person with strong beliefs. I have this view because of that part of me that sees the good in people also wishes for a way to see things so that everyone could be happy. I don't think anyone needs to be excluded from happiness after their life. Nobody needs eternal damnation. Punishment can only work if someone believes their actions were wrong. Otherwise, it is meaningless torture. <br />
    Though there is definitely a part of me that hopes people who rape, murder, and torture others get some kind of retribution for their actions. I'm just not sure the threat of eternal damnation is quite the right way to go about things. <br />
    <br />
    I welcome any questions pertaining to herbalism, divination, dowsing, spellwork, witchcraft, paganism, and healing. I also love just random PMs. So, don't feel afraid to talk to me. <br />
    I come off as a bitch in SF but it is just my style of debate and my style of posting. I'm typically a pretty gentle person.
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