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  • Artist Info:
    Okay.. Gaia, so nostalgic
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    Now, who's up to be my friend?
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    ..so if you want it, ADD, COMMENT or PM me...
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    I'm FRIENDLY if you are friendly..
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    but if you're not, i can be a B!TCH...
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    FACTS about ME:
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    <3 i'm a pure Filipino, and i'm proud of it..
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    <3 i am a certified ANIME ADDICT..
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    <3 i can sleep alot when a situation is too boring for me..
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    <3 i love music that can express me..
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    <3 i only have one favorite singer: MILEY CYRUS..
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    <3 my favorite song: NEVER HAD A DREAM COME TRUE
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    <3 people who are friendly and trustworthy
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    so beep, pm or comment
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    i don't bite (that much) rofl rofl rofl
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  • 1 Fans