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  • Artist Info: PiKtOrZ, PlZ?<br />
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    ---Personal Shiz For The Creepers---<br />
    Name: Lindsey<br />
    Nicknames: Linds [I <3 when people call me Linds], Purple<br />
    Status: Taken by Allan <3 ~12.02.08~<br />
    Birthday: April 15<br />
    Age: 17<br />
    Occupation: Student---Senior in high school.<br />
    My Whereabouts: The US of A... Michigan. :B
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    Comment Me<3<br />
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    xO Dewds... Help me get Winged Anklets? ;~; <br />
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    I've finally decided to put some more personal stuff on my profile to let my friends, and visitors get to know the real me. ;3<br />
    First off, I have many friends who I adore and care very dearly for. My friends are my life. Real life and Gaia. To me... looks, age, or status doesn't matter. What matters is what is in the heart, your personality can take you anywhere. There are definately some select people who have changed my life dramatically. All for the best of course. Where I am now in life I give a lot of credit to the people who are always there for me. Family and Friends. Sometimes I value my friends even more than my family... It might seem horrible, but, some of my friends are exactly like me.. and some are totally different but we get along just the same and it allows me branch out and try new things. My friends can get me to do just about anything... and I'd do anything for them. This past year, I've valued some really close friends when I didn't have anyone else. They were always there and they helped me a lot when I needed it. <br />
    Secondly, I, myself, am a kid at heart. I am 17, which means I'll be off to college soon, but it scares me to death. Leaving my childish/girlish dreams behind. Sometimes I feel like I never want to grow up. I just want to be at this stage of my life forever, but I know it can't stay the same. Which brings me to the next thing... I'm am afraid of change. =| Not knowing what will become of me after school. They say change is good, and I do believe that, but I'm always afraid to take the first step. After that first step... I may make mistakes and fall flat on my ass... but I learn and make the best of what I have<br />
    Thirdly, I got accepted to Grand Valley State University [ GO LAKERS! x3 ] and I want to go to school to major in pyschology and maybe even go into social work. It might seem a bit odd because I, myself, have many many problems and you might think, "What the hell, this girl is so wacky.. how is she supposed to help others?" Well being myself might help me understand others. Learning and experiencing different situations will help me understand and relate to another person. I also plan to travel A LOT. I want to go to Paris, London, Sydney, Rome, Athens, Lima, Mexico City, Cairo, etc, etc. I want to see the world. Which may seem cliche, but its true. I haven't really traveled much in the past, but it just makes me want to see more of the world and experience different cultures.<br />
    Fourthly... (lol, this is getting long, but please stay with me.) I am in love with the arts. Literature, and music to be exact. Literature ranging from short stories, poems, novels, plays, musicals, and films. I am an avid reader. I like reading because I can get away from the real world. Otherwise known as escapism. Musicals and plays are a favorite of mine and I enjoy watching them. I do have two all time favorite musicals, and they are: Across the Universe, and Sweeney Todd. Although I probably couldn't write a very well written poem, I do enjoy most poetry. I've read many books over the years ranging form fiction to non fiction, historical fiction, sci-fi, drama, and so on and so forth... I like reading so much that I enrolled in Advanced English class, where all we do is read, discuss and write. We've read A Tale of Two Cities, A Lesson Before Dying, The Odyssey, MacBeth The Catcher in the Rye, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Currently we are reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. MUSIC. Music is the basis of my life. There are so many songs that I can relate to. Sharing music is also what I like to do. Giving people new horizons on music. I like all music and I am willing to listen to anything once.<br />
    Now, I hope this helps you understand me a little more and maybe we even have more in common than you would have thought. x3
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