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  • Artist Info: I'm Abby.<br />
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    I'm a complete and total nerd and I have no intention of changing. I love anime and manga. It's not just a hobby. It's an obsession. I despise English dubs of animes. It kills it. Dubs are for people who are so stupid, that subs are too fast. I adore Deathnote to the point that its creepy. One of my personal philosophies, yaoi=happiness. I also love J-Rock. The Visual Kei style is beautiful. A major difference between American and Japanese music is that nearly every American song is about love, sex, or being in pain because of love, whereas Japanese music touches on many different subjects. One of my favorite VK bands, Dir en Grey, has songs about abortion, addiction, rape, etc., and the subjects of the songs are actually relevant to the politics and culture of Japan and the world. Enough gushing about Dir en Grey...i love you Kyo... Ahem. O_o<br />
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    I enjoy MMORPGs but sadly I have a shitty computer and not enough time to play these days.<br />
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    Writing is one of my biggest passions. I'm working on four different novels at the moment. Don't ask to read it because I'm not letting anyone read them until I'm satisfied with them myself. I want to learn a lot of languages, so as soon as I get my own computer I'm going to save up for those Rosetta Stone thingies. I try to be grammatically correct but sometimes I slip up. Sorry, I'm not a robot. Although, it would be pretty bad ass if I was.<br />
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    I believe gay marriage should be legal.<br />
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    Wearing fur is wrong. You absolutely love that fur coat at the mall? WELL THE RABBITS DID TOO!<br />
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    Go to Freerice.com. You can really help a lot of people by just spending a few minutes of your time answering simple questions. There's no obnoxious adds or surveys or anything.
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