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    Like: Gears Of WAR!<br />
    Gears Of War Story<br />
    Person 1:"Oh Emm Gee. Is that...." Person 2:"Yea. It is." "I never... known...<br />
    it goes to the bathroom." Person 1:"...Amazing. It's like a human.... but it' has glowing purple pee. and poop. what is this creature?" Person 2: "I'll bet we'll get billions of dollars for finding a glowing purple beast." Person 1: " Shit. It screams loud. "<br />
    Person 2: " I'll talk to Anya and report this to the public on this constipated purple monster. Control, this is delta. We have spotted a glowing purple beast taking a shit in my bathroom.<br />
    or the my dad's home. Called the Fenix Estate. Or something like that." Anya: " Marcus. You dummy. That's a glowing wretch! They come in swarms! But i didn't know they spawn in a bathroom and take a shit! " Person 2: " Shit, i think we have to run, the glowing wretch - beast - thingy taking a shit is getting angry! " Person 1: " I'll chainsaw him to 88 pieces, and you lick the juice. " Person 2: " mmm. Juicy! .... *GAG* *Groan* *fall* " Person 1: " DOM!<br />
    OH SHIT! That wretch...... * SLASH X5 times * *GROAN* *Heals DOM*" Person 1:" Dom, shoot it's guts out! Before Cole and Baird finds out we have a pet! " Person 2: " Marcus you idiot. They are selling cookies! It takes a while for them to sell 9,000,000 boxes to the public! We have a chance to pet-" Cole: " Marcus you.... filthy.... AWWWWW~ that wretch is adorible! hes gonna be my baby, bab-ay! " Person 2: " *Twitch* " Person 1: " See? Baird loves selling cookies, he let Cole off the job! " * The three of them pet the wretch* Person 2: I will now.... DUB the Wretch.......<br />
    PRIVATE BAIRD! " * Baird rushes in * Baird: DID YOU... FILTHY...<br />
    BEASTS.... KICK..... ME..... OUT OF THE DELTA SQUAD???! SAY BYE BYE TO THE WRETCH! " BANG BANG BANG! *Wretch and baird died* Cole: " NOOOOOO THE WRETCH DIED! But why Marcus? Why did you shoot my bab-ay baird? " Person 1: Because. He called me filthy. "<br />
    The END<br />
    By the way, Person 1 was Marcus and Person 2 is Dom.<br />
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    Some weird thing: i was posting one time, my brothers and cousins were playing Halo2 on the Xbox. So my older brother was running around in one of the islands surrounded by a river. And the Ground was raised. My Brother, got in a banshee and flew. Everyone said no BANSHEE's. So then he got out. The banshee glitched up and flew down to the river. Then my little brother's dead body flew ( Because of Rocket ) and fell in the banshee, the cockpit. It flew to the water and exploded XP then i looked down at the computer and started posting. XP
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