• FanciestPineapple's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Hello and welcome to my profile. TBH I'm on here to play dress up with my avi so you probably won't actually see much activity going on here. <br />
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    Hmm (if you care to know)...my personality could be described as laid back and extremely dorky. I prefer to surround myself with open-minded individuals, you would have to be one in order to enjoy my sense of humor- it gets kind of "out there" sometimes. Don't even get me started on bad puns. Seriously. Don't tempt me.<br />
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    I appreciate a wide variety in just about everything, especially music. A part of this 'appreciation of wide variety' comes from being easily distracted (curse you ADD!)...if something can hold my attention for an extended period of time - it's very special. So I often bounce between liking something, and then finding something else I just like more for the moment. Some activities I enjoy are; writing, reading (novels/manga/comics/fanfiction), drawing/painting, watching cartoons/anime, experimenting with makeup styles, costume design, jewelry design, collage, pretty much anything crafty. <br />
    Well, since you're still here and maybe not bored to tears yet...<br />
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    Hmm, my long-term goals in life (oh gods is this sounding like a online dating profile? xD) include; become a successful Illustrator, going back to school and earning my Masters Degree, many years down the road teaching not-so-little kiddies all I've learned, and in my much much later years becoming the most Awesome elder lady in the history of mankind. What can I say...I dream big. I want to have a pimped-out scooter and everything with chrome. They see me scootin', they hatin''. cool <br />
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    If you want to know more, then chat me up cause I love random conversations and 'meeting' new and interesting people.<br />
    That's all for now <3 <br />
    Take care.<br />
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