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  • Artist Info: Name: Drake<br />
    Age:34<br />
    Class: Technomancer/Necromancer/Technomage/Bard<br />
    sexuality: Bi<br />
    Race: Drow/God<br />
    height: 8ft6in<br />
    Weapon: Snake Greatsword<br />
    Bio: His mother sold him into the black market at a young age from there he learned how to channel and master magic slowly over time. He soon learned that from his god half that he can't die from age and or any form of Posins or sickness but he can still die from other means he will also reman forever look young. Drake slowly worked his way up the ranks he became a drug dealer soon an arms dealer as time went on his wisdom and intelligence rose greatly above those around him even more so then the gods. Over time he worked his way into becoming a grand master wizard and inventor finally he had risen to becoming the Lord of all the lands.<br />
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  • 4 Fans