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  • Artist Info: Hi, I'm Patashu. <br />
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    I currently weigh an immense 47.5 kilograms (that's 104.7 pounds). No, I'm not anorexic; it's my metabolism. It seems to be slowly rising anyway. I am currently finishing off high school and considering an IT-related degree at university and maybe learning a proper programming language (visual basic doesn't count; maybe java or python or C ...) Hobby wise, I have a big interest in mecha, particularly steampunk, particularly animalistic but humanoid can be good. Unfortunately there isn't too much out there fulfilling both at once (I do collect pics whenever I can), but Zoids is a neat concept for me. Game-wise my biggest thing is rhythm games. Stepmania (plus making song charts for it) and DDR and by extension FFR. DJ Max Portable 2 I also like but I don't actually own the game which limits my access to it. I used to play with roguelikes and danmaku (bullet barrage) shooters like touhou and dodonpachi, but I haven't done that much as of late. Hmm, I should, really. Oh, and I play the occasional tower-defense game. And as for modern, mainstream games? Basically none of them. Game design does intrigue me, though, I'll have to see if I can get into it later in my life. Ah, and I love the internet. I love its freedom, its possibilities. Text-based roleplaying, for example, is so much more flexible with regards to subject matter and fantasy fulfilling.<br />
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    I'll leave you with a couple of videos of my play: <br />
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    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BK_g_VmXrE & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExxOrkvq5HA & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApFVQ0oO0Ww - Stepmania. I play spread, q for left, w for down, o for up, p for right. I've also played index a bit but not enough to make anything vid-worthy.<br />
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW4ojIQCYDQ - DDR (mungyodance technically but you get the idea)<br />
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G05wKYSzjcI - Meteos! Up until I got tired of the game I got pretty awesome at it. Pity I stopped, but everything has to come to an end.<br />
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjo1sCWN_kU - a video guide to beating the flash version of Gem Tower Defense on Extreme difficulty.
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