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    Hello my Lovelys! Welcome to my profile of happiness! Okay, not really. I just wanted to make you feel welcome. It didn't work? Well alright then. I'll check that tactic off my list. Anyway, I'm Magpie89! I'd prefer to be called Maggie though, if you don't mind. I live in the horribly sad and wet state of Washington! Sorry, but that was a joke. It's really not that bad as the Twilight books makes it out to be. It's pretty sunny actually. And we don't have a bunch of sparkly gay vampires. Which I'm really happy about. <br />
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    I guess I'm a pretty cool person. *Strikes amazing pose* Am I not made of coolness? >3< I know, I'm not. But I like to think I am. Oh darn it! That's what I get for typing with freshly painted nails at three in the morning. *Heavy sigh* Guess I'm going to have to repaint them now. Um, as you can see, I'm sort of random. And proud of it! Not really, I embrace it though. Hehe, embrace. What a funny word. Sooo, I like mashed potatoes. They're pretty good. Actually, I only like my mothers mashed potatoes with this weird German meat stuff...yummy. <br />
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    Oh yeah, I'm German! Most of me anyway. The rest consists of Irish, Native American (My sperm donors side), Um and some other stuff. I'm not really sure what else. But I'm mostly German! But I can't speak any of it since I haven't even left Washington before. I can speak bits and pieces. Like I can say squirrel! Don't ask why. I just do. Oh, and chocolate! That's a fun word. Yup yup! Oh, and I have a cat. He's all black except for one tuff of white on his chest. But I painted it pink with highlighter, so now he's my gay cat. Pretty amazing, is it not? <br />
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    This is a pretty weird about me...but this is what you get when I start writing this at three in the morning and haven't slept in...ow, it hurts to count. I'll figure out in a little. Just wait a bit. Um, I'm still in school. But I wont tell you what grade! Okay, I will. But only if you pm me! I need more friends...I'm lonely and live in a printer. Yeah. A printer. No, not really. That would be considered weird. And that I am not. I live in an apartment though. With a crazy mother and a gay cat. It's a very awkward household. Oh, and my cat is bulimic and has bad sinus issues. I know. A gay, bulimic, sinus problem cat. His name is Sammy. Not a creative name, but we got him when he was twelve, so we didn't want to confuse him. Though he's already gender confused, so I don't think it would have mattered. He's fourteen now. Eighty-two or something like that in cat years. Or was it human years. I'm not sure. I'm too tired to care.<br />
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    I usually stay up super late during the summer. My record is from when I woke up at 1pm to 7am. Then I fell asleep. It sucked because I wanted to go an entire day without sleeping. This is turning out to be a pretty large About Me. Well, this is what I get. Om nom nom. I has cereal. I like cereal. But I like mashed potatoes better. And tomato salad with baloney. I'm not sure if that's how you spell it. But that's what spell check says. So I'm guessing it is. Oh! And I cheat with spell check. It's made me super lazy though. So when I get on my laptop which doesn't have it, I sound like a drunk baboon. Hehe. Could you picture a drunk baboon typing? I could. That would be funny as hell. Oh, and when I'm really tired, I tend to get a potty mouth. Though I always have one. Just not on the internet because I might offend people. Although I would offend people in the real world too, huh? I don't really care though. I roleplay too. A lot. I can't find any good ones though. So you should tell me of some good ones. If you do, I'll love you forever and bare your babies. Yup. Babies.<br />
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    I'm tired. I should probably go to bed. But I don't want to. Actually, no. I'm not tired. I'm just majestically bored. That's why I chose to retype my About Me. I've been neglecting it for a while now. Oh my gawd! My mouse just stopped working. I almost died. And then the laser thing at the bottom shined in my eye and now I can't see out of my right eye. Owy. I wear glasses by the way. But they're stylish, sort of. Not really. People tell me they are. But I don't really care. And I have brown hair with red tints that now goes past my shoulders. Oh, and greenish gray eyes. I'm not sure why I'm telling you this. You probably don't care. So there isn't really a point to this About Me. I'm just rambling now. And one more thing, sporks suck eggs. Just sayin'. Hehe. The spell check just thought I meant to say satin. I didn't. That's funny. Okay, not really. But I think everything's funny. Oh! Here's a joke! Okay, get ready for the best joke ever. Why did the duck cross the road? Here it comes...because the chicken was on vacation! Haha! That's is the BEST joke I have ever! Okay, It's not. But it's pretty amazing. Yup. It's four in the morning now...and I'm still not tired. Probably because I woke up at four in the afternoon. In my defense, I went to bed at six in the morning. So there. Maggie for the win. Is it sad that I totally walk around my house and when I do something awesome, I yell "Maggie for the win!" And run off? My mom thinks so.<br />
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    Well it's time to part ways, my kittens. Is it okay to call you my kittens? No? Alright then. Oh, here comes my gay cat. He says salutations. Did I mention that he's also an alien? No? Hm, must have forgotten. Anyway, back to us parting ways. Goodbye! I said that all dramatic like if you didn't know. Yup. I have some friends, but I want more. So you should pm me. And you should Title it "Maggie the Majestic!" Yeah. Majestic Maggie.
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