- embracetheanimal's Gallery
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Artist Info:
I have been roleplaying for a long time since I first joined this website and I would have to say that I have improved over the years.<br />
I've been on and off from this website. I have a love-hate relationship with it, but I always come back in the end.<br />
I am also a proud member of R5 (not the band mind you.) It consists of my buddies for a long time now Nixjust, Chris, Jeny, Jento, and myself. We basically toss ideas around for roleplays and we just work it off from each other. And I couldn't have asked for better friends over the years so thanks you guys for being there in my ups and downs in my life.<br />
Also, to add, your life is important. Do treat it respectfully and live every day to the fullest rather than be on this website 24/7. Yes online friends are just as important as real connections, but you can't experience life fully through the computer screen. So live like it's going to be your last.<br />
Anyway, if you have any questions you're free to inbox me and I'll get back to you when I get the message ok? - Avg. rating:
- A cold day......
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