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  • Artist Info: Hellous!<br />
    I'm Diotima and I recently became addicted to roleplaying.<br />
    <br />
    I like owls, turtles, snakes, bananas, the color black, mushrooms, cheesecake, lotsa anime, skipping class, J-rock, goth stuff, skulls and the ninja walrus ^-^<br />
    <br />
    My body is 21 but my soul is 5 years old. I can be pretty random and outgoing, though in the real world I'm the complete opposite.<br />
    I am pretty exaggerated and extreme with emotions, too, so expect me to either hug you to death or strangle you ^-^<br />
    <br />
    Usually I'm too difficult to get close to people, though that might be different online. The few friends I have are the limbs of my soul. If you do happen to reach my heart (which is surrounded by barbed wire, electric fences and a great, thick wall of ice), you'll be loved forever.<br />
    <br />
    My personal goal is, in summary, to live life to the fullest, and to do that I have a list of things I've got to do before I die. Most things I know people have probably already done, but I unfortunately haven't, so I'll be checking things off as I go (that's by putting a * next to it). Enjoy the listie ^-^<br />
    <br />
    Things to do before dying:<br />
    <br />
    -Bungee jump<br />
    -Sky dive<br />
    -Cliff dive<br />
    -Surf<br />
    -Climb a mountain (the extreme way)<br />
    -Learn martial arts<br />
    -Travel around the world in 80 days<br />
    -Kiss a girl<br />
    -Kiss random guys *<br />
    -Snowboard<br />
    -Go to Alaska and live with wolves<br />
    -Ride an ostrich<br />
    -Have a threesome<br />
    -Live in isolation with a Japanese hermit<br />
    -Meet Erana in person<br />
    -Meet Rain in person<br />
    -Get drunk *<br />
    -Ride all the extreme roller coasters in the world<br />
    -Travel by balloon<br />
    -Hold a living heart in my right hand (literally)<br />
    -Touch a dolphin/whale<br />
    -Have a smoke *<br />
    -Shoot a gun<br />
    -Watch my ex kiss another guy<br />
    -Take a shower with another guy *<br />
    -Lose my virginity in a rough way *<br />
    <br />
    These are some of the things I remember I want to do so far, but will keep adding more as I come up with new stuff. Experiences of all kinds! ~_^
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