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    My name is Jessica, I'm 20. I live Virginia, but I was born and raised for 14 years in Germany.<br />
    I'm one of the nicest girls you will ever meet. I can be silly, I can be cute, but I can also be a bitch if you get on my bad side. I'm super shy when it comes to first meeting people, but then I start to loosen up a bit and let people get to know me.<br />
    I can be very sarcastic, but I can also be a very good listener. People say I give great advice, but that's your opinion.<br />
    I love horses, and I love the country. I ride horses whenever I get the chance to. I will never turn that oportunity down. I have a cat and a dog [Lucky and Rambo].<br />
    I'm Taken <3. I have two older half sisters and one younger brother, also.<br />
    Music is my life, It calms me down and what-not. You can always tell my mood to what kind of music I'm listening to.
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    There's One guy that I absolutely love with my whole heart, His name is Christopher Adam Fick... me and him have gone through so much together. He's my Life, my Love, my everything. I wouldn't know what to do without him. He's just the best, he's always been there to help me...with everything, and I can't thank him enough for that. There's just so much that I can say about him, but words are meaningless...he knows how I feel and what I feel is that I'm completely In Love with him. He's always been there, not just one day and then he'll leave...but he's always been there, day in and day out. whenever I needed him, he'll drop whatever he's doing, and talk to me. We've both been through hard times, and we've always stuck together...not once have I left Chris' side. And Not once has he left mine. Before I met him, my life was nothing but fake smiles and fake laughs, now that I know him, me makes me smile and laugh all the time. Chris knows everything about me, there's not one thing he doesn't know about me. Chris is the only person who can turn my day around whenever I'm having a bad day. He's the only person that I can really talk to and that will understand. I Love Chris with everything I have, I trust him with everything that I have. There's no way people can make me stop loving him, it's not possible. I don't like Chris, I Love Chris. I Don't want him, I Need him. He doesn't ever Cross my mind, because he's always on my mind. I wouldn't cry if he left, I would die. I wouldn't live for Chris, i would Die for Chris. If I had to choose between him, and my life...I would Choose my life, because he is my life. I love you Chris. <3 <br />
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