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Many friends made, many friends forgotten.<br />
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I decided to get serious with my "About Me" section after going over my old account's profile and it's friend list. Banned back in 2012 for phishing (It was "new and cool!" to me at the time. I've since grown out of it), the account is now worth several hundred billion gold. I looked at the profile, avatars, arena entries, and about me section, and saw all of the effort I had put into that account since 2006.<br />
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My old banned main<br />
My second banned main<br />
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(Oh and hint hint - if you look at Sushi Multiuser Server (My second banned main)'s equipped list, you'll see the result of an exploit that let you equip anything. I have a few fishing rods equipped, the Snoop Dogg card, and a mithril coin. Gaia Administrators never found out about this bug because it's not cosmetic - the only way you can tell is viewing the person's equip list wink )<br />
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All of my real-life friends of the past were still on the friends list, people who I haven't talked to since middle school, or friends I still talk to who haven't logged onto their Gaia accounts since I showed them the website.<br />
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My name is Tim, and I originally got into Gaia back in 2006. My friends DarkJaden825698 and Meta-Kirby825698/chiller gam3r (Who are brothers, as well as the only two IRL-friends that still play!) showed me it, and I was instantly hooked.<br />
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Since then I haven't really been able to stop playing Gaia. I've loved the community, all of the different games and quirks about the website, and just the entire thing as a whole.<br />
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For a while, from around 2011 to 2013, I was obsessed with hacking Gaia, and Gaia Accounts. It started with phishing accounts with "Fake Login Pages" and "Fake Marketplace Pages", which quickly got me banned. From there it was vulnerability scans and XSS, and even on to SQL Injection vulns in the Chinese Gaia, GOnline.<br />
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While I hate the fact that I abused Gaia and it's community, I can't deny that it helped me learn some great life lessons and skillsets. It really got me interested in Computer Security, which is now a field I plan on majoring in. It also taught me a lot more about scripting and programming, as well as reverse engineering other folk's bots to see how they worked. (You know, .NET applications are really easy to decompile, and it seems like everyone in the Gaia Hacking world wrote in Visual Basic back then...)<br />
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I luckily grew out of my hacking phase, and it seems the community as a whole has died down as well. (Maybe it coincided with the Gaia community in general dying down?)<br />
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Besides that, I enjoy watching anime, programming, reading, drawing, vending, posting on forums, and making ramen. (Did you know you can make that terrible Maruchan ramen into a masterpiece if you add actual ingredients to it?!)<br />
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I'll probably be sticking around Gaia a bit more from now on, and hopefully building up that profit that I lost in all of these banned accounts wink Marketplace, here I come! (Oh god, getting startup capital is going to be a pain though... so I guess it's more like "daily chance, here I come!" wink <br />
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Anyway, that's me! smile Feel free to PM me to chitchat, or you can find me around the forums posting a bit.<br />
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Oh, I almost forgot! I also have a Tentacl, (Gaia's weird new attempt at social networking site/forum) so you can reach me there too. My username is p0n, just like here.<br />
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