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hello thank you for comming to my profile my name is trevor thebo i am 16 in high school have a fair amount of friends i play xbox 360 my fav games are MW3, LA nore and skyrim if you would like to add me on xbox live its Death Godxv <br />
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my Favorit things to do are... sleep...eat...play games... swim... snow bording.... surfing.... hanging out with my friends...play gatar....music...umm and play gaia... i live in the west cost.... the town i live in is called eagel point... i like to joke arond on gaia and say stuff i dont really mean so if i say stuff to offend you i am sorry sweatdrop so yea i also have a facebook it is Trevor thebo *duh* and im the guy with the phone...takeing a pic in the bathroom.. lololol i took that really late at night.....oh and i stay up REALLY REALLY late like all night.. *on weeeknd's..* sooo yea if you wana add me go ahead i allways say yes to friend thinggysss Oh and im Sorta shy..... in person... so yea thank you for reading this and have a wonderful day... mrgreen emotion_brofist emotion_donotwant emotion_dealwithit yum_puddi - Avg. rating:
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