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  • Artist Info:
    Greetings, fellow Gaians. My friends just call me Rosa, and I am 22 years old. Currently, I work full time at a call center, but one day hope to go back to university to study my one passion, languages. I was born on November 19, 1991 in the lovely province of British Columbia, Canada and am half Filipino. The rest of my heritage is a mix of Dutch, Welsh, Norwegian and Scottish along with a few other races of which I am uncertain. My hobbies include reading, writing and listening to music, as well as playing video games occasionally. My favourite colour happens to be blue. <br />
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    As for my Gaia life, well I've been here since 2005, and I am still addicted. I can mostly be found on my main avi, hack doll. If you have any questions, contact me there~
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