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  • Artist Info: Name: Jeremy<br />
    Age: 19<br />
    Sex: Yes please! J/k Male<br />
    Status: Currently on the computer typing up my about me page.<br />
    In a few hours will be playing the PS2.<br />
    Sleeping after that.<br />
    (If you must know, I'm taken)<br />
    Hobbies/Likes: Blurting out random words, anime, video games, glomping my girlfriend, laughing at anything, music, poking my girlfriend, pocky, the computer, hugs, sarcasm, fire, soda, poptarts, my friends, lighting things on fire, dancing in the rain, making inapproprite comments, the interwebs, akward moments, akward silences, failing to talk correctly, failing biology forever, cable tv, bewbs, tacos, engrish, please teacher, having iq's, volleyball, saying 4 and raising 3 fingers, making akward moments, accidentally being perverted, purposely being perverted, chobits, running around in circles, cheezburger, magic the gathering, pizza, cats, and Erin.<br />
    <br />
    Dislikes/Fears: High school, the word n00b, elitists, preps, abercrombie, yaoi, my iq's being stolen, dogs, brussle sprouts, candy mountain, harry potter, people who don't talk, my curiosity, wal-mart, and colds.
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