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Alrighty..! For anyone who wants to know what I am for reals. read this tablespoon of info OK?! biggrin <br />
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Here we go... <br />
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Many people can not tell whether I am a girl or a guy :p Thats because I have 2 older brothers who have made me do nearly everything with the when I was was younger than I am now. Im turning 16 in 6 months *I think O . o* The birthday I have on here is incorrect biggrin . Im going to be a crazy sophmore bro. I am indeed a girl if you were wondering about that before you read this. Uhhmm I used to do webcam with the closest of close friends but now I'm not sure since something happened that I didn't want to happen. Most of the time Im a weirdy and many people think i act drunk or something. I get scared of really retarded things. I love horror movies because a lot of them have such stupid plots XP. Except those exorcist movies, they don't have weirdo plots ... THEY HAVE RETARDED ONES. It's because I'm atheist and I don't believe in god or whatever. Sorry to all those religious people. I grew up as a cathlioc and my mom moved away when I was in 1st grade. One of my brothers LARPS *rofl* biggrin and the other plays Warhammer on Sundays <3. Uhh... I don't like using the vocabulary that I know when I talk to people in y everyday life, and I do portray a very stupid person nearly all the time razz . I only really hate 1 thing... when people laugh at their own thing.. It fustrated the haill outta me a while ago, but I don'nt mind it as much anymore. I'm single (of course because Im a weirdy) But that's ok right? I just broke up with a drug addict last month and I'm still getting nightmares smile . My family is weird, but I hate it when people say AWWWHWWHWHWHWH I FEEL SO BAD FOR YOU because... face it, I don't have it nearly as bad as many other people. I have no cousins and only have 3 best friends but a good amount of school friends. None of the go on Gaia anymore because we've been doing other things. During the summer I live with my mom, whos one crazy person. "No one likes mom, we just need to deal with her" (Brother.) I could go on and talk about anything for hours TO MYSELF, which is why when I engage in conversation, I might be on the mental patient side. But I should probably end this here only because I don't want this thing to take up so much room. heart - Avg. rating:
This is a
conversation me
and my friend
Lauren have on
AIM. BTW i die
at the end. I
am rotflwaffle
a - Me and Laruen...
- Non Fiction
- 5 recent comments
Just something
i had always
imagined, so
yeah, enjoy. - Dream
- Fiction
- 4 recent comments
A poem i wrote
about a girl i
like....... - All you need ...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 0 recent comments
This is my
t; on Gaia. I
hope you like
it. Please rate
and comment - Theirs
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 0 recent comments
This is my
t; on Gaia, so
I hope you like
it. Please rate
and comment. - Awake
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
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