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  • Artist Info: I won't give out personal information but I will tell you as much about myself as I can. I'm legally an adult but can't legally drink. I have two adorable doggies named Ernie and Pheobe! I'm in a michigan community college, and have a lot of fun there! My hopes are to be a teacher of humanities and the arts at a college. I love music, art, different cultures, and alternative lifestyles such as different life stykes countries cultures and religions. I play saxaphone and clarinet. I used to play in jazz band in highschool and really miss improv solo's. Anime and Manga are something I've just discovered and fell in love with! I've watched Fruitba, Ouran, and Deathnote so far. I'm in anime club, art club and drama club at the college. So much fun! I'm bi-curious, and my friend tells me I'm bi-wiccan(whatever that means). I'm born and raised Christian but I find other religions really interesting and have been to a hindu center, a muslim masque, and a jewish synagogue. I love art. I hate the drawing class I'm in right now, but I can't get enough of acrylics. My favorite movies are Moulin Rouge, Nightmare before Christmas, and anything with Johnny Depp. the t.v. shows we always have on are simpsons, dr. who, southpark, futurama, americas next top model, startrek, and comedy central news. I love all kinds of music but am picky about country and rap. As a child My little ponies, disney, ninja turtles, and the simpsons were what made me happy. I love gaia because I'm usually stuck being social at college all day and it's a way to vent while I play zomg or relax while I can talk to people who I'm strangers with. ninja Oh! and although ninjas are really awesome I'm for pirates because of Captain Jack sparrow. I love Johnny Depp!
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