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  • Artist Info: I consider myself a very odd person. To some this makes me delightful, to others it equates to insanity. I am not easily offended, you pretty much have to go out of your way to be an ignorant, selfish, bigot. When I AM offended I bring down the wrath of unholy gods- screw the locust, we go straight to raining fire and dead babies.<br />
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    I wouldn't be so pompous as to call my self a "spiritualist" or even religious in the sense of the word most people view it. The former group seeming comprised of self-important elitist pricks or outright morons, and the later group being considered only established main stream religions such as Christianity and Catholicism. As such my beliefs of the this world, the world after, and possibly a world beyond that, are my own, not recognized, not believed in, and not accepted by the whole of society. I keep them to myself for this reason. <br />
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    I am married. My husband is more to my world than I thought possible. He challenges me, respects me, loves me, cares for me- and makes a damned good steak dinner with apple pie dessert. There are days he drives me absolutely mad, but I love him.
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