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  • Artist Info: Hello everyone, my name is Rin. <br />
    <br />
    End of manga:<br />
    I'm 11 years old, and managed to magically find a computer to type this.<br />
    I am currently staying in Kaede's village because Sesshoumaru-sama always goes off to dangerous places. I personally think I'll be fine as long as I'm by his side. But it's okay since he comes to visit me frequently and often brings me gifts. I love each and every one of them!
    <br />
    <br />
    I love to roleplay, and also cosplay.<br />
    Roleplay<br />
    Name: Rin<br />
    Age: 17<br />
    Gender: Female<br />
    Height: 5'6<br />
    Weight: 117<br />
    Hair colour: Raven black<br />
    Eye colour: Chocolate brown<br />
    Race: Human<br />
    Likes:<br />
    -Sesshoumaru<br />
    -Jaken<br />
    -Ah-Un<br />
    -Flowers<br />
    Dislikes: <br />
    -Wolves<br />
    -Villages<br />
    -Villagers<br />
    -Being alone<br />
    <br />
    Personality: Rin is a happy, fun-loving, youkai-loving, seemingly prone to danger, and highly obedient girl. She has a child-like personality and innocence. Since she has been with youkai more than humans most of her life, she thinks that humans are more scarier than demons. Rin obeys Sesshoumaru's every command. When he told her to freeze, the time that Kagura made her appearance, she literally froze on the spot, one foot still in the air, and didn't move until her lord said she could relax.<br />
    <br />
    Biography: Rin's family, consisting of an older brother, a mother and a father, were all slaughtered right before her eyes by bandits. It happened when she was really young, and because of that enormous shock, she stopped speaking. Thus the village took pity on her and brought her up because she was an orphan. It didn't seem if they were treating her that well though. At around 7 or 8 years old, Rin found a paralyzed and hurt Sesshoumaru in the forest. He was in his feral state but she wasn't scared. She brought food to him everyday until she found out he didn't eat human food. Then she started bringing him rats which was the common food for dogs at that time.<br />
    <br />
    One day, on her usual way home, Rin walked into her hut and found a bandit there stealing her food. He seemed to be running from something. Then, she saw them. Wolves. There was a wolf youkai, found out to be Kouga, leading them too. She ran away from the village, the wolves right at her heels. Running and running, Rin thought of the beautiful white haired youkai. Maybe he could help her? Then she tripped. It was a tree root, and before she could get up, the wolves had leapt on her. Everything went black.<br />
    <br />
    Rin was sure she was dead. That was the first time she died. But after a bit, she realized she could move. Opening her eyes, she stared into the face of that same white-haired youkai. From that day on, Rin recovered her speech and followed her new lord everywhere, obeying his every command...literally. She had also met a little kappa youkai, whom was called Jaken. Upon seeing the great two-headed dragon that Sesshoumaru had, Rin named one head Ah, and the other one Un. She was especially kind to Ah-Un and therefore the dragon protected her from many other weak youkai. Sesshoumaru's chase after Naraku began when Naraku kidnapped her and used her as bait.<br />
    <br />
    The second time Rin faced death was when she had been kidnapped into the Meidou by a hell hound. Sesshoumaru was training his Tenseiga to achieve a bigger Meidou. She was revived by his mother with the Meidou stone. She realized that Sesshoumaru had really went to Hell and back to bring at least her body back to this world. Rin was again taken by Naraku when he turned into a giant spider. After they finally killed him, Sesshoumaru left her in Kaede's village, after much protesting from her, and stayed there ever since.
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