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Artist Info:
http://animebyafan.wetpaint.com/<br />
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Hiya! Ello,if u want to know more about meh keep reading first things first i love V-Games (Halo, Halo 2) and i play alot of basketball If I had one wish I would ask for a big enough ass for the whole world to kiss I am one of the most diverse people you will ever meet, psh yeah right xD. I listen to all sorts of music I'm constantly hyper as well and would love nothing more than to down cups of sugar and go streaking.i firmly believe that NO ONE is original. EVERYTHING has been done before. So what if it was 20 years ago, and a billion miles away? It still HAS BEEN DONE. Get over it. I am bluntly honest and I will almost always tell you exactly how I feel when I feel it. I can also be extremely sarcastic to those of you who can%u2019t catch on<br />
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92% of teens moved to rap music. I stand for the 8% who rock! If you are the 8% that rock out everyday post this in your about me!<br />
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and nooo i lots part of my "about me" -sad- o well xD<br />
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(, my fav icon now)<br />
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I go rawrs on jooh <br />
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its that time of year again where i clean out some old and bring in some new ha i shall make it take 10 times longer for my page to open now muahahahaha<br />
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well i`ll start out with this i spen all my time with my face glued to something that glows like a pc tv vgame or light ^-^ and yet i still have friends (omg they must really be reaching if they call me friend and hang with me at the mall) it doesnt matter that i must stay 17 yards away when we hang out? o wells Anime Expo 10 4-5 days hotel masqu... coplay and weird hair colors coming so soon i must start thinking of things for us to do now i`m hoping for dancing singing and laughing <br />
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not real singing thats why they have ax no i mean brit shit singing xD and we will end it all with these lovely words "you lost the game"it will be the best skit ever we will need big props that are ez to move and a new shopping plan we need to set out in groups of 2 and then fly away only to come back to meet up to eat then fly again<br />
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i will talk to the gals about it <br />
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o and about them hey are all kool and phat (its ok when i say it with a ph) and i really couldnt have found better girls and better girls with dicks (the 2 boys) and i`m so lucky to be able to spend around 5 hour with u a week. parting is such sweet sarrow when we leave to class it hurtsto even try to such giggling because we know when ever we are together we cant stop then (break out into song) we are family -slap- xD and really thank you for going on 4 years of friend ships<br />
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my money says alot of u wont know how much you mean to me or how it hard to type this knowing after high school it could end<br />
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o well my money is none of you will get a chance to read this but if u do thankies and i will give you sweets if u tell me you read it lols<br />
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-your friend cheer<br />
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now back to icons<br />
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I got this idea from a friend so this will still b called a dream but also known as a slave to attraction <br />
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Sitting on a park bench watching cute couples past by your jealous as always but still a little uncaring. Two more past by but then a hot guy passes by. You start to become full of weird feelings. Feels like love but you`re a little unsure. He turns around and catches u looking at his ass and winks at you. You want to faint you want to die and u want to hit on him. You pick faint but you start to think. You know nothing about this man is it love at fistst sight or are u just a slave to attraction?<br />
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I must make a point to you all (mostly Ara) i`m nothing like the snake man <br />
1) i`m am not a perv like him (lie)<br />
2) i find nothing hot about sai or his tummy (lie)<br />
3) i`m a girl (oro has gone to both girls and guys bodies)<br />
5) just because i also think he has a gay angsty aura, his tummy pants and head band does mean snake man and me think alike(lie, wait wht happend to number 4)<br />
6)and just because i think sais a masterpiece shows me andhim r nothing alike(lie)<br />
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You know wht fine the truth is i am oro muhahahahahahaha<br />
Ara comic<br />
http://ara-hamako.deviantart.com/art/Sai-Penis-Boy-2-82634561<br />
i think u know who i am >.> <.<<br />
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watch now and forever may you go fan girly<br />
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FdTSZ2NlJA&feature=related - Avg. rating:
- random dark look
- Original Avatar
- 11 recent comments
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