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Hey waz up pplz!!!!!!! well let me tell u a lil bit bout me ok soo <br />
well ive been thru a lot b4 nd im even going thru stuff rite now bt i no at the end tht all i kan be iz happy!!!!!!!!!! well some of the stuff i hav gone thru were rlly hard 4 me nd also 4 my family some of it had been bout my broder well he has done a lot of stupid stuff b4 bt at the end i stil luv him!!!!!!!!!!<br />
i hav also lost a lot of lives b4 2 i hav lost 1 of my best frends wen i was lil nd we used 2 kall him sunny bt i hvt seen him ever since 3rd grade iv also lost my grama grampa nd i was suppose 2 hav another older brother bt he died wen he was in my moms tummy!!<br />
ive also had a lot of my frends change nd sometimes just let me down one of her names was sadie she was the shit!!! i mean i could tell this grl anything nd she could tell me anything she was lik my sister, bt out a nowhere we just kinda separated nd we rlly never tlkd agen bt nah we iight wit eachoder i meen we tlk in all bt we never rlly tell eachoder everything lik we used 2.there's a lot of ppl tht hate on me bt i say i dnt giv nd well my parents hate me bt i luv dem nd its all the opposite wit me nd im a different person nd im very crazyyyy XDXD<br />
<br />
You say up, I say down.<br />
You say love, I know hate.<br />
You say yes, I say no.<br />
You say positive, I say negative<br />
You say pink&purple, I say purple&black.<br />
You say girly, I say emo.<br />
You say hearts, I say broken.<br />
You say fixed, I say shattered.<br />
You say lets go, I say ******** that.<br />
You say darn, I say damn.<br />
You say Gossip Girl, I say True Blood.<br />
You say worthless, I say poser.<br />
You say poser, I say look in a mirror.<br />
You say reality TV, I say anime.<br />
You say pop, I say rock.<br />
You say tea, I say Monster.<br />
You say Facebook, I say MySpace.<br />
You say family, I say friends.<br />
You say "I understand."<br />
I say "You don't know the half of it."<br />
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