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  • Artist Info: I like being my self and I don't in with clicks. That doesn't mean I have any friend really I have more than can keep track of, literally, people come up to me all the time and start talking to me like I'm there friend. Giving secrets that sort of thing, but back to the point, I like varity. I can do the same thing every day or get bored. I hang out with all sorts of people for example the rockers, some skater( some of them I can't stand), preps, pretty much anybody except the emos, the thug wanna-bes, and the trashy kids. I live in the best state ever, Tennessee. I'm a big fan of Vandy and watching them beat Auburn was one of the best football moments in my life. SUCK IT AUBURN!!! I like a varity of sports like football, basketball, soccer, shotput and discus, and swimming.<br />
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    The things I hate are hippocrits, people who think everything is racist, and brussel sprouts. I also hate it when I tell people from other states I'm from Tennessee and they stare at me like I'm not hick they expected or when I tell them I don't like country music. You people have been lied to and the people who lied to you are duche bags. I really hate it when I get called racist. I don't know about you but most blacks seem to think it's okay make fun of me because white when I've done nothing to them. If can't say the n-word without getting my ass wuped then they can't say cracker with some white people whipping that guys ass. Some of you will say that it's payback for slavery, but let me ask you a question, have you ever owned a slave? Feel free to send me an answer.
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