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  • Artist Info: RP Character Info:<br />
    Name: LTC Mixer N. Behringer ASMX-5203A<br />
    Race: Technomorphic Sound System<br />
    Age: 103<br />
    Gender: Male<br />
    Height: 8'6" (9'4" w/ antennas & microphons)<br />
    Weight: 3,289lbs.<br />
    Occupation: World Government Diplomat and Recording Engineer<br />
    Personality: Rough around the edges, but gentle at heart. Think Shrek or Manny from Ice Age.<br />
    Physical Description: Mixer is your average sound system with a few modifications. He gets around via a large cabinet-like mode of transportation wired to his CPU, so it works similar to a thought-controlled power wheelchair. He has mechanical arms with hands that resemble giant three-pronged electrical plugs. These double as weapons, both like knives and also have the ability to discharge large amounts of electricity. He is a large format sound system, a 52 channel mixing console, rack system, and 48" speakers. From the bottom of his wheels to the tips of his UHF/WiFi-like antennas, he stands a little over 9 ft. tall. From side to stand, he is approx. 6' wide, and 4' in-depth. <br />
    Brief History: Born a human being, Mixer was involuntarily the victim of an experimental procedure called 'essence transfer,' in which his organic consciousness was transferred into the electronic CPU of the mixing console that is himself today. After being sold into slavery, and freed by a world governing body, Mixer joined their fight, and became one of their top diplomats and a Lieutenant Colonel. Though he can talk his way out of just about anything, like any military officer, he's shell-shocked and has seen too much in his 103 year life.<br />
    <br />
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