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    Name:Ramsey or Rams<br />
    Age:18 <br />
    Birthday: June 12 <br />
    Sex: Girl<br />
    Relationship status:Taken <br />
    Mood: Happy <3 <br />
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    Ok so this is were the basics come in ;D <br />
    well im really ....random thats a good way to put it. <br />
    I usually have a low self-asteem, but im slowly <br />
    growing out of it. Im starting to just like myself for <br />
    being....me. If you dont like it then stop readin and get <br />
    THE F*** OFF MY PAGE. x3 Anyways i am really caring and <br />
    tend to care a bit to much D= (still tryin to fix that). <br />
    I LOOOOOOVE animals and have a ton of them, i have a dog, <br />
    2 cats, a hamster, a ferret, a fish. then theres my <br />
    grandmas dogs that i consider mine cuz i love them <br />
    to death. i hate bright lights ;~; they hurt my eyes..... ._. and my brother things im a vampire for it D= even though i just hate when its in my eyes. when im half awake or just when the suns to bright e.o ^~^ i have 5 of the BEST friends and i tell <br />
    them EVERYTHING, but i also love my other friend D< <br />
    so PPL DONT GET JEALOUS JUST CUZ I LOVE Derek, Cody, Aleena, Wulfy, and Brandon more. D;
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    And lets get this said right now i DO NOT donate to ANYONE, well ok there is a few i will donate to if they ask and thats derek<3, aleena, stephies, willie, mooommy and wulfy. If those ppl are not you then dont even fuckin ask me for one cuz im gettin sick of this shit where i donate to u. yet the one fuckin time i ask for one you say no. So dont even ask me if i will donate cuz if u never donate to me i see no fuckin point of donating to you. ive waisted to much gold on you fuckers that take advantage of me just cuz i always say ill donate. and to the ppl i will donate to the only time im goin to say no is when im questing something myself.<br />
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    b/c that's what ppl do. they leap, and hope to god they can fly. b/c otherwise you just fall like a rock, wondering the whole way down, why the hell did i jump? but here i am falling and the only one that makes me feel like i can fly .....is you ~ i <3 u Derek~<br />
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    ~Derek~: Your so much like me that its not even funny. Although there are the little differences that we have that makes getting to know you more that much better. You make me smile from ear to ear and are really sweet. Yet you have just enough perversion that i like X3, yet you dont take it to the extrem. I know you have been threw a tough time cuz so have i, but i hope that when it comes down to it we can find comfort in each other when we hit troubling times. i Love joo <33
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    ~Cody~: Hes one of the best friends i have ever had, he always helps me out with things and knows when <br />
    im not really happy. Then acts like his goofy self and <br />
    can always bring that smile back to my face. Yeah i know <br />
    people always say these things about their friends and how great they are, but to me codys much more. Hes always been there for me and i have at times taken it for gaint. Im sorry that i have, and yet you never really left me <br />
    even though you have said you give up you never really <br />
    did or we wouldnt still be friends. Im glad you still have room in your heart for me. <3 <br />
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    ~Aleena~:Shes more like a sister to me. Yeah i know <br />
    what your thinking "but we have never meet!?" Well you are. I meet her when i was dating cody, and we have been <br />
    friends every since. Even though she at times think that <br />
    im the weirdest crayon in the color pencil box, we are almost the exactally the same. Although i have more <br />
    siblings than she does. Shes the first real girl friend <br />
    i have every had. One day i know were goin to be old <br />
    ladies harrasing little kids together and fighting <br />
    in wheelchairs with canes. >> <br />
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    yeah you know we will dont deny it. ;D<br />
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    ~Bryant~: I dont really know about you but the things i do know i like. I want to get to know so much more about you since your sister alisha is my gaia daughter and in a way my real daughter. <br />
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    ~Alisha~: I love you baby girl. i know you have hard times, and i havent help sometimes. Im sorry for thati cant help to worry about you when you stop talk to me for a while. ;~; but who can blame me your like a real daughter to me and i love you. so i worry, probably a bit to much though D= and im sorry that i do but thats just the only way i can really show that i care.
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