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    I'm this guys Girlfriend. And I've hacked him. lol Not really.... he gave me his PW.<br />
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    Ok....where to start......Oh!! He is a major loner and keeps to himself. Haha. But things have changed alot since last year. He is incredibly different from alot of guys. I can't even list his differences, thats how many there are! Rocker has alot of good qualities as there are bad but once you get past his depression and bad mood moments he is actually a talkative guy. Kinda. lol I don't know what to really say. I mean at first even I'll admit he got on my nerves and made me want to punch him in the face. (Sorry if your reading this ^^; ) but yea like i said, after we got over the rough akward conversations or arguments i actually saw he was just a big softy. I know he's been through alot and even though he doesn't show it, I can tell he's hurting. I will seriously beat the crap out of anyone who even tries and hurt him. He can pretect himself against a guy.....but still if its any girl who wants to talk like he ain't worth shit than thats when I step in. He can't hit girls but I can. I truly, truly love him, and he's worth everything. Thats how great he is.<br />
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    This profile your visiting is a really cool person who tries to be there for his friends so don't get mad if he sukks at it LOL
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