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  • Artist Info: Hey! I <3 Vocaloid xD I also <3 ikuto x3<br />
    and....I <3 music~~~ my fave singers are all vocaloid xDD and I <3 the raind=bow but my main fave colors are black,red,purple and green! I have a very annoying bro but hes still kewl and I live in the USA!!!xDD i'm half filipino so if ur filipino tell me plz! AND THX fOR COMING TO MY PROFILE! plz cmmnt meh. wink <br />
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    User ImageI've adopted a neko! <br />
    Name: Puchiko (thats really her name in the anime)<br />
    Likes: Riceballs her best friend dejiko and me<br />
    Dont like: bugs,wierd things<br />
    Owner: ME!<br />
    You can adopt one too!
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    Adopt One!<br />
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    User Image I also <3 purple~~~ Purple is the best~~<br />
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    I loove music~~~ Stars~~ rainbow hearts~~ and kawaii pictures~~~<br />
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    this is lad :3 i loves him <3 x3 made by:kokon noone can take this picture unless they ask kokon<br />
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    ~~~~~~this is shia from pita - ten she rocks!~~<br />
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    my best friends on gaia are : Xx Len fan <3 hes meh bro<br />
    Kokon <3 a good friend u rock kokon!! xDD LpvLauren shes meh kewl cuz and ||Heno || an awesome cow/fox dude/coffin :3 Xx Ice_GodessXx a kewl person to talk to :3.. those are meh MAIN friends on gaia, the rest of my gaia friends are also kewl too smile <br />
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    User Imagesuzune -kuuuun! sooo cuute x3<br />
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    User Image i <3 mamotte!lollipop!<br />
    I <3 zerrooo!!!!
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